Day: December 29, 2015

  • Backyard Fire Pit

    One of my new year resolutions is to spend more time outside, even in the winter. As a result, this sexy propane fire pit (a Christmas gift two years ago from my folks) is getting a lot more use. It’s peaceful outside, it’s great getting fresh air, and it makes the winter suck less.

  • Updated Theme

    The really observant of you will notice I’ve switched themes (from Cols to Manifeset). I really liked Cols’ simplicity and dynamic two columns for posts. But after looking at it for a month, it really isn’t straight forward to read. Thus, for 2016, I’m trying a new look.

  • Song of the Moment 2015.12.29

    I can’t stop listening to this jazzy rendition of ‘Clair de Lune’ from Kamasi Washington. Thanks, /r/listentothis!