One theme over the last twenty years or so has been One-Deal-A-Day sites. In the past, I’ve blogged about Woot. was bought out by Amazon in 2010 and slowly turned into Amazon’s clearance machine. The previous owner of Woot (Matt Rutledge) left and started a new version of the same concept – – in 2014.

I’ve always liked saying “meh”, which I’d guess I picked up from Futurama in the early 2000’s. When launched, I was hooked. In the decade since, I’ve made 298 purchases, a large majority of which are “meh.” branded merchandise. I’ve certainly worn their shirts a lot.

I think what’s fun about the website is they’ve done a bunch of novel things. During the pandemic, they started a website called For $20, you’d send someone 20lbs of pasta. The trick, however, was that some people got significantly more pasta. Everyone was randomly given either 20lbs, 40lbs, 60lbs, 80lbs, even up to 100lbs.

Another concept is the IRK, or Instant Regret Kit. It’s how cleans out it’s warehouse – an IRK is just a box of random junk. The concept originates from Japan where it’s known as a fukubukuro. I’ve actually stopped ordering them, since I’m sick of throwing stupid stuff away.

The company itself is pretty cool. They’re based out of Dallas and never given me a problem. When the George Floyd protests ended up burning down my post office in 2020, gave me a full refund for my purchases. Having two houses has slowed down my purchasing, but there’s been some gems. As for my favorite purchase? It’s gotta be Party Bot!